What to Expect
We invite you to visit us in our assemblies at Port Hueneme. We hope you feel comfortable. We know an unfamiliar place can be intimidating. We want to briefly tell you what to expect when you honor us with a visit.
Times We Meet
- Sunday Bible Class
- 9:00 a.m.
- Worship and Preaching Services
- 9:50 a.m
Background: Our goal is to determine from the New Testament what the church is supposed to be and do according to the plan God laid down. We try to follow the pattern we observe the church practicing in the first century. Our work, worship and edification are Bible centered. We will be happy to change any practice shown to differ from the teaching of the New Testament. The congregation in Port Hueneme is autonomous. We are independent of all other congregations. Our rule of conduct is directed from heaven and not any ecclesiastical organization.
Singing: One of the unique things about our singing — and something you may find strange — is that the music is “a capella,” meaning we sing without the accompaniment of musical instruments.This practice is not merely a preference but a matter of faith (Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16).
Lord’s Supper: If you visit on a Sunday, the Lord’s Supper will be included in our worship. Every individual member assembles with a local congregation to proclaim the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. This is according to the practice we read in the New Testament (Acts 20:7).
Prayer: Many prayers will be offered in the service. The prayers are led by men of the congregation (Acts 4:23-31; I Timothy 2:12).
Preaching: The preacher does not have a title. He is not referred to as Pastor or Reverend. He is usually referred to as brother or by his first name, because all brethren are just that — brethren. He does not wear special clothing to distinguish him from any other member. The Bible teaches that all members are priests and are equal (I Peter 2:9).
Contribution: Our contribution is only taken on Sunday. We do not solicit money from our visitors. The work in Port Hueneme is supported by its own membership (I Corinthians 16:2).
What is Expected of You: Nothing at all! Your participation is appreciated but not required. We ask that you fill out a visitor card and drop it in the collection plate when it is passed. We encourage you to stay after services; we would like to get to know you. And of course, we are always willing to set up a Bible study at your convenience.
The People: What kind of people can you expect to find when you visit the Port Hueneme church of Christ? You will find a diverse group, coming from varied backgrounds, and at different stages of knowledge and spiritual growth. People who strive to love God and one another.